Peace that passes understanding

November 15, 2011


In our pursuit of a balanced and successful life in Christ we have found that hope is essential to achieving the success desired. We have discovered the roles that hope plays in supplying purpose and encouragement needed to maintain focus. The explanation of what hope allows or accomplishes can be defined as peace.

Peace makes our walk in Christ not only tolerable or manageable but enjoyable. We are going to be stretched not only in what we believe but how strongly we believe. To say I believe in Christ as the son of God and the one who died for my sins is one thing, but to receive ridicule or threat or consequence for believing is very different. Most of us are very fortunate we are not placed in a position that our lives are threatened because of our faith. Some are. Without the peace and assurance of the Holy Spirit life would be impossible.

We know from the scripture that hope comes from the expectation that is given from the word of God and the fulfilling experiences that God provides. As we evaluate the accomplishments allowed through our walk with God we discover peace in the midst of the storm raging around us. God is with us and that is all that matters for His grace is sufficient.

It is through faith and patience that God performs and supplies all our needs. Faith being the action of pursuing God’s plan by applying our skills, abilities, and understanding based on what we believe and patience is the resolve to remain faithful to what we believe until God performs and fulfills and supplies. Peace comes from the experience of God acting on our behalf. We must know that God is for us not just that He is with us.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.