Here’s the Man

February 7, 2012

I am very excited about what God is going to do in the lives of individuals through the words that are written on the pages in this book. Each day many struggle with issues that keep them from knowing and experiencing the victory God has for them. Allow me to share me to share a portion of a chapter entitled “They know when you are telling the truth.”

“Somehow, someway, Joseph was going to end up second in command in the land of Egypt to prepare the way for sustaining and the preservation of God’s people Israel as the fulfillment of His plan.  Again, God knows what He is doing and stirring up the wrath of Joseph’s brothers was only part of the plan.  Their lack of a real relationship with God enhanced the opportunity for their anger to be enraged.

 The relationship with God of Jacob was declared as well.  Verse eleven of Genesis chapter thirty seven says Jacob kept the saying.  He didn’t like what was said and he let it be known.  I have a feeling he didn’t like it because he didn’t understand it.  Had he have known the prophetic meaning he might not have been in disagreement.  If he had understood that it meant the deliverance of a nation and sustaining of life for his own flesh and blood or even the accomplishment and fulfillment of God’s plan for his favorite son he may not have displayed such grief.  So in his lack of understanding God by His spirit nudged him with a check.  Pay attention to what he is saying is what God was saying.  So Jacob kept the saying.”

Don’t allow the misunderstandings of this life keep you from victory and don’t the misunderstanding of others hinder your victory. You determine you are the man and you are going forward to victory.

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be.

Here’s the Man

January 31, 2012


The hardest thing about life especially after salvation is being okay with all the junk that just seems to come our way from time to time. We cover ourselves up with promises and feel good words and pats on the back and that is okay but until we just seem to come to a place of being okay with it we’ve not arrived yet. Try this on. Some of the stuff we go through is because God wants us to. It’s not because we asked for it. It is not because we deserved it. It is not because we are being punished. It is because God wants us to. When we get upset because we don’t understand,  and it hurts, and we’ve never been treated this way it would be a whole lot easier to go through by accepting that it is just what God wants at this time. Remember this. Them that He foreknew He also predestined. That doesn’t mean we are puppets. That means He has already gone before us and prepared the way. Once we accept that it will be a lot easier. He hasn’t left us. He is ahead of us.

God’s plan for us is good not evil. His plan is for prosperity not for ruin. He has prepared a hope and a future.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.

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Here’s the Man

January 24, 2012

Here’s the Man

Each of us have our own set of struggles. Each of us have our own set of difficulties. Simply put we each have our own cross to bear. Some days we pass through comfortably and others we may struggle desperately. There is a concept that if kept in mind might allow life and our journey through life to be more tolerable. Jesus said in this world we would find trials and tribulation but we are to be encouraged for He overcame this world. In the book “Here’s the Man” we go through the life of Joseph and discuss the difference in the will of God and the plan of God  and how God works out His will by executing His plan in and through us. Life changing concept!

A friend wrote these words:

“You cannot know Robert Jackson very long before you are aware of his passion for Jesus. It is this passion for Jesus that provides the desire that he feels for mentoring men to become all they can be for Jesus. The insights and passion that he shares in this book, HERE’S THE MAN — if read, believed, and practiced – will help you alter your present situation and prepare you for a great emotional and spiritual future.”

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Here’s the Man

January 16, 2012

I am very excited about my new book – “Here’s the Man”

These are words from my pastor as he helped me with the foreword.

In reading this book I was reminded of the scripture in Jeremiah 29:11… “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” God truly has orchestrated and ordained a plan and a divine purpose for each of us. In Joseph’s life, as mentioned in this book, the plan seemed to be a maze of disappointments, frustrations, and severe challenges yet at the end of the day God worked His plan and saved a nation. What caught my attention is the fact that God is more in control than we may be aware of. He is positioning and directing our steps every day. As the book clearly states, our greatest challenge is to have the resolve to “stay the course.” I want so much to be the man that God can count on to cross the finish line with my job complete.

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978-1-4685-0209-1 (SC ISBN)
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Here’s the Man

January 12, 2012

I am very excited to announce the arrival of my newest book entitled Here’s the Man. I am very excited about the possible impact on the lives of others that this work possesses. contact me and secure your copy today.

Here the words of a fellow colleague.

“No one wants to be viewed as a failure.  You were created to dream and given gifts to make that dream happen.  As God declares His will for our lives we begin to make a plan to achieve or reach for that will.  However, unplanned disruptions seem to build roadblocks to that destiny or the fulfillment of our dream. Are they roadblocks? Are these disruptions keeping us from God’s will? We begin to question have we really heard from God?  Did we miss something in what I thought was God’s plan for me?

 In this book about Joseph, you will find principles that can help you to understand how God the Father moves from declaring His will to taking us unto the plan of fulfilling that will.  The important insights and illumination in this book from God’s Word can alter our mindset, keep us from fighting the plan God has for us, and alter the circumstances of your life and bring a change that will positively impact you and your family.  You will be challenged and changed as you see how God finally declares to Egypt and the world “HERE’S THE MAN”!”

— A fellow disciple –– Robert Adams

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Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be

Man Up

December 23, 2011

I am very excited about my newest book that is now going to print. God has taken me down paths I never expected and caused me to experience things I never dreamed I would have to experience. Life at times has been more like a nightmare than a dream with unexpected interruptions and visions that were unobtainable. Some of it has just not been fun. Realizing that God’s will and God’s plan is two different issues has been a turning point in my life and I believe it can be in the life of others as well.

This is what another author had to say about this book:

“No one wants to be viewed as a failure.  You were created to dream and given gifts to make that dream happen.  As God declares His will for our lives we begin to make a plan to achieve or reach for that will.  However, unplanned disruptions seem to build roadblocks to that destiny or the fulfillment of our dream. Are they roadblocks? Are these disruptions keeping us from God’s will? We begin to question have we really heard from God?  Did we miss something in what I thought was God’s plan for me?

 In this book about Joseph, you will find principles that can help you to understand how God the Father moves from declaring His will to taking us unto the plan of fulfilling that will.  The important insights and illumination in this book from God’s Word can alter our mindset, keep us from fighting the plan God has for us, and alter the circumstances of your life and bring a change that will positively impact you and your family.  You will be challenged and changed as you see how God finally declares to Egypt and the world “HERE’S THE MAN”!”

— A fellow disciple –– Robert Adams

This book will be available soon.

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I had a very interesting discussion earlier this week concerning two contrasting styles of leadership. The authoritative person is representative of delegating style of leadership and the authoritarian is representative of a dictator. Both have their strengths in given circumstances however that is not what intrigued me about the conversation.

How do you view yourself? What kind of a leader are you? I’m not talking about abilities. When you look at yourself in the mirror and honestly assess what kind of a leader you are, what do you see? Do you see someone who is able to incorporate others into the task and allow them to produce or do you exhibit control by manipulation and micromanaging each situation. If you find the soliciting of help lightens your load you are probably an authoritative leader. If the presence of help causes more stress than relief then you are either an authoritarian dealing with some internal issues or you have the wrong help. There is no other way to explain it. Most people are afraid to honestly assess and honestly admit the truth about themselves because of the personal issues they don’t like about themselves. The personal issues become personnel issues.

Perhaps an even more intriguing question would be this. What is your view of God? Do you see God as authoritative or authoritarian? Do you see Him as one who asks you to do something then allows you to pursue it or as one who tells you every step to take and if you don’t do it absolutely flawless you will be beaten with a big stick? I am not sure we know how to take God sometimes but it may be more important than we think. When we settle the question of whether God is for us and trusts us and believes in us it is easier to function. If we walk around scared because we are expecting to get beat down because we don’t pass inspection makes life unbearable. How you view God is crucial.

So what is it for you? How do you see God? Do you need to change either?

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be

Be a Man

November 29, 2011


Be a Man! Yes that is what I said. Be a Man! But what does that mean? Does it mean to not cry? Does it mean to take responsibility? Does it mean to be in charge? It just simply means grow up and that may include our masculinity being challenged.

Sometimes our masculinity needs to be challenged. Many have been taught that men don’t cry or show any emotions. Many have been taught that men are to be in control and responsible. The extremes that have been instructed in some cases are not reasonable. However it might not be all wrong. We as men are to be the head of the household. We are to consider ourselves the stronger vessel. Somebody must step up and be responsible.

When taken to extreme, the suggestion that men don’t cry is absurd. When taken to extreme teaching that the man being the head means that he is in charge of everything is absolutely silly. If taken to extreme the thought of men being responsible means accepting the consequences for things beyond their control is outrageous. In many cases these have taught as truths.

There are times men need to cry. Children cry when they don’t get their way. As men we should be able to recognize that there are situations in life we just have to face. We would like to think that we are able to do everything but we are not. When we learn how to allow others to help and that we do not have to be in control of everything life gets much less complicated. Accepting the consequences for things beyond our control may seem admirable however it is not necessary. That is not what God expects. He just wants us to follow Him.

Ezekiel was told by God that his wife would be taken from him and that he was not to cry or mourn or act in any way in distress. He was to be strong for the people. He was an example before them. To take that as men are not to ever cry or that men should be in total control and responsible for everything that happens is a stretch. Masculinity should be gauged by the willingness of one to follow God and accept the role He has for us.

There is a time our masculinity needs to be challenged. When God said he was looking for a man that was the challenge. It doesn’t mean that we have to live like the Lone Ranger or not ever show any emotion. It does mean however that we should show some progress as we mature. We may cry just not over spilt milk.

Be a Man.

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be.



Hope and expectation should never be overlooked when it comes to ministry. Much is said about faith and consistent living when it comes to being over comers. It is not possible to be successful without hope and realistic expectation. Don’t overlook them.

We recently returned from a trip Costa Rica where we were privileged to witness first hand for ourselves the culture and the atmosphere of some ministry there. It was eye opening to say the least. You can see pictures and videos do a little more however nothing is like the experience of being there. If you are reading the reports that you can retire on next to nothing and live in certain areas like kings it may not all be true. The culture and lifestyle of the normal inhabitants of Costa Rica was much different than what we expected.

I can’t say that we really knew what to expect except I guess we expected it to be easier to communicate. There are a number of people who are not American transplants that do speak English but I am convinced now that most do not. The man who drove the shuttle arranged by the place where we stayed spoke pretty fluent English. Without too much trouble we were able to communicate. Twice we were given directions to a given location, which is interesting, and the cab driver did not speak any English. That was not fun. As a matter of fact there are certain times as we look back now that it could be very dangerous. Easy communication as it turned out was not a realistic expectation.

We were fortunate to be able to observe a Children Worker Conference which took place at the Bible Institute. It reminded me a lot some of the camps we were privileged to be a part of as our children were growing up. The people were from all over the region. You could tell from their appearance that they were not there to impress anyone or on vacation. They were there to learn and progress in their commitment to fulfill what God had called them to do. They were just there to learn how to recognize opportunity and utilize their abilities to reach children for Christ. There was one thing they seemed to have in common with one another from the looks on their faces and their actions. Hope! They were excited and hopeful about what they were learning and the results that would follow.

The disappointments and discouragements in life associated with failures  and misunderstandings and unexpected situations can absolutely destroy being able to look to the future with any hope. That is just a fact of life we need to accept. Because that is true we need to constantly feed and reinforce hope and realistic expectation in our lives. We must trust that God is in control and He has a specific goal in mind.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.



In our pursuit of a balanced and successful life in Christ we have found that hope is essential to achieving the success desired. We have discovered the roles that hope plays in supplying purpose and encouragement needed to maintain focus. The explanation of what hope allows or accomplishes can be defined as peace.

Peace makes our walk in Christ not only tolerable or manageable but enjoyable. We are going to be stretched not only in what we believe but how strongly we believe. To say I believe in Christ as the son of God and the one who died for my sins is one thing, but to receive ridicule or threat or consequence for believing is very different. Most of us are very fortunate we are not placed in a position that our lives are threatened because of our faith. Some are. Without the peace and assurance of the Holy Spirit life would be impossible.

We know from the scripture that hope comes from the expectation that is given from the word of God and the fulfilling experiences that God provides. As we evaluate the accomplishments allowed through our walk with God we discover peace in the midst of the storm raging around us. God is with us and that is all that matters for His grace is sufficient.

It is through faith and patience that God performs and supplies all our needs. Faith being the action of pursuing God’s plan by applying our skills, abilities, and understanding based on what we believe and patience is the resolve to remain faithful to what we believe until God performs and fulfills and supplies. Peace comes from the experience of God acting on our behalf. We must know that God is for us not just that He is with us.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.