Man_Up and be the man

February 21, 2012

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be

There are some tough questions and difficult answers that may be required of us in this life that stretch our faith and reestablish the boundaries of our belief. As we travel down this road of life we are going to experience the emotions of hurt as well as joy, disappointment as well as satisfaction, and confusion rather than contentment and purpose from time to time. That is life. It doesn’t make it any easier that is just the way it is. We just have to be determined to make it and allow God to lead us on.

One of the areas we may be tested in is our belief in God as absolute moral truth. The question may be posed like this. Is God fair? When we begin to look at the question we will be reminded that God is just. We will be reminded that He doesn’t treat all the same. We will be reminded that He has favorites. All these things we should be reminded of. However, that doesn’t mean He is not fair. That is a matter of perspective.

If God had a different means of salvation for everyone He might be considered unfair. If God had a different standard of excellence for everyone He might be considered unfair. If God had not shared that standard of excellence with everyone He might be unfair. If my memory serves me correctly He only has one standard that all will be judged and that is Jesus. His will is that none perish and that all come to repentance. In being just He may take from those who have not and give to those who have, but in His fairness we do not receive what we deserve.

Jesus paid it all so that we get to receive it all in Him. His expectation of us is to receive Jesus. Our potential in Him is to be like Jesus.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.

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Here’s the Man – Innocence or Arrogance

Joseph had another dream.  This time he told it not only to his brothers but to his father.  His brothers hated him more and His father rebuked him.  I have heard others tell that Joseph was arrogant because he had to be spoiled because he was the favorite. I don’t know that to be true.  It seems to me that God has not been afraid to point out the faults of other men of faith.  However there is no announcement of one on Joseph’s behalf.  So I choose to believe on the side of innocence.  I think he just didn’t know any better.  He was simply over whelmed by the visitation of a dream and couldn’t contain it. As a matter of fact if he had not declared the dream the rest of his life might not have carried much significance. I believe the reason he was given the dream to begin with was his relationship with God.  We just can’t over look the importance of Jacob settling down in the land of his father.  That included declaring to his family the God of his father Isaac.  The innocence gave way to maturity as he endured the hardships and encountered new circumstances in life as God led him forward.  That maturity was proven as he took his place to be the man God was creating him to be. His willingness to grow and continue forward by accepting new roles and learning how to respond appropriately in given situations is the mark of maturity.  It declares one willing to make this statement.


Are you innocent or arrogant?

One or the other will be declared by your life.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be

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We all have thought about going to special places and doing special things. We need God’s favor.


Why spend time reading or taking time for our daily devotion. Why work on being faithful. Why the discipline of holiness or faith. Why make the right choices of bible study and allow expectations of God working on our behalf to influence our lives. Why place ourselves under the leadership of others only at times to be taken advantage of. Because of the “Favor of God.”

We don’t need to discount hard work, skills or abilities.  However without the favor of God the success is not the same.  It is even more exciting when others recognize it.  When they really get it they don’t want to hold anything back.  Potiphar recognized the favor of Jehovah.  Some versions just say that Potiphar grew fond of Joseph and turned over all his belongings to his care. It was more than that. From that point God blessed all of Potiphars house. Everything that was done both in the house and in the field was blessed. Potiphar came to trust him so much that it is declared that Potiphar only concerned himself with eating his meals.  Everything else concerning his household was turned over to Joseph.  In case there is any doubt that God was in control let’s consider what we know about Joseph before this time.  We don’t see anything that would suggest that he possessed any extraordinary management skills before now.  What we have seen is the youngest son in an atmosphere of sheltering and extreme jealousy.  He was the favorite and quite likely didn’t have to perform like the rest.  What we are seeing now is absolutely phenomenal.  There should be no doubt that what is being manifest is God’s blessing and favor.

I have to believe God will do the same for us.  I believe God is honestly looking for ways to do so.  But it wouldn’t have happened without Joseph doing his best either.  So let’s keep things in proper perspective.  God is looking for those to bless.  We must walk forward doing good deliberately.  Doing what is right purposefully and making the best of every situation.

Be encouraged. Fulfill God’ purpose for you. Look forward to your future. Keep things balanced.

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be.

God Wants You

September 26, 2011


What kind of man are you going to be? What kind of influence are you going to be? Where will that influence take place? Life is full of questions and those particular questions can often times be overwhelming. I don’t believe anyone in their right mind wants to miss God. We want to be sure of direction as well as taking advantage of opportunities as well. That will mean getting close to God.

God said that He looked for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge for the land that He would not destroy it but He found none. Is that not disturbing? It is not that He didn’t find a man, for the word declares that man existed at the time. It is not that people were not “spiritual” at the time for they were offering their sacrifices and observing the Holy days. The problem was their relationship with God was lacking. They served God with their mouths and not their hearts. This is an intolerable act with God.

It does not take a rocket scientist to see that there are a lot of things in this world that has not changed. There is a large portion of society today that does not believe, trust, or follow the teachings of Christ. Even among believers the views on critical issues such as salvation, maturity, and commitment vary. Some who consider themselves believers do not accept the bible as the infallible word of God. Many consider good works enough to secure eternal salvation as others hold fast to confession while treating their neighbors like trash.

God is still looking for a man who will believe and follow Him. God is still looking for a man who will trust and commit to Him. God is still looking for a man who will dare care for his neighbor and the world around Him. God is still looking for a man who believes that he can positively affect this society. I hope that person is you. That person can be you.

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be.

Stay hooked up

September 25, 2011


What a day to be alive. What a day to be saved. What a day to be called. We should above all things do our best to stay optimistic. I understand that every day is not a honeymoon even as a Christian and there are things we have no control over. Just try to remember to keep things in proper perspective. We may not be in control however the one who is promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Trust Him.

When called of God for any particular area of service we have a tendency to have high expectations concerning accomplishments. If you are called to pastor you expect to see church growth. If you are called to the office of evangelist you would expect people to be saved. If you are called to witness you would expect that as you were faithful doors would continue to open. If you were given the gift of healing you would expect to see people healed. Such expectations are normal. With any calling that involves positively affecting the lives of others one should expect to be accepted. That just comes with our influence of others.

What do you do when you know the words that you are have to speak is not words that will be joyously made over? Do you sugar coat them? Do you hold back? Do you work on being accepted first? Or do you bow your neck and plow forward. Sometimes as a preacher you may prepare yourself for no shouting. As a business man you may prepare for a cold shoulder. As a parent you will face times of no words or harsh words and later have to forgive and forget. As a spouse you may face manipulation and other deceitful means that you never dreamed you would face. As you find yourself facing such odds and believing drastic means are needed to prevail, you must be a man who expects to not be accepted. You must be a man who will stand for what is right. You must overcome. You must be willing to trust God regardless of what might happen.

Ezekiel said he looked and saw a hand with a scroll and on the scroll was written front and back words of lament and mourning and woe. He knew the task would not be easy. He knew his only refuge was God. In Him he did trust. And so can you.

Be a man who knows God is on his side. Be a man who knows he can succeed regardless of what things look like. Be a man who is willing to not to be accepted by others. See how God will comfort you. See how God will bless you.


Man_Up You can be the man God wants for you to be.

Try the Two minute Tie-In

September 21, 2011


I recall the words of a wise man who once told me “if you are going to stop don’t start and if you are going to stop don’t start.” I took them as a wise statement to remember at the time. I have even made it a point to intentionally look at them from time to time. Incorporating them as rule to live by has been sometimes difficult. The challenges and difficulties in this life have been more than I have wanted to bear at times. That’s life. Be a man.

Ezekiel was warned early on by God that he was being given an extraordinary task. Excuses were not going to be tolerated. The message was going to be plain and direct. If he waivered with the message and they died in their sin, he would be held responsible. His emotions would be tried. His compassion for others would be put to the test. His anger would be tempted. The requirement for him would be to finish the task.

Situations and circumstances in this life seem to try to interrupt the tasks that we engage in. Emotions can get in the way. We do not want to appear to not be compassionate. We must be careful about allowing anger a place. Being pulled in so many directions will cause you to think about terminating the mission. Focus on the task at hand. Learn to recognize and appropriately deal with distractions. Finish what you have started.

Every successful person has had to deal with the distractions of life and every successful person has met the requirement of overcoming things that were meant to detour them. It is through the challenges of life that we are able to progress to the success that God wants in our lives. Challenges in life are not only possible but they are necessary for our growth.

Start and don’t stop.

Stay focused. Stay connected. Stay linked with God. Implement the Two minute Tie-In.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.


I am not a gambler. My wife says that not only am I not a gambler; I’m not even much of a risk taker. She should know. I have, however, on occasion run across a poker tournament on television and stopped to watch. It is both puzzling and intriguing to observe some of the decisions that are made. Some are made purely out of desperation by people who believe they have no other choice. Other decisions are made totally out of conceit by people who believe they are invincible or they just can’t do anything wrong. There are on some occasions decisions made out of stupidity. Even in poker there are few rules. The successes in this walk we call life will be dictated by the choices we make also.


David didn’t want to accept that Saul wanted to kill him. Jonathon said let me talk to him and I will inform you of his intentions. In conversation with Saul, Jonathon learned of Saul’s desire to kill David and showed David the sign he told him of. That sign was to inform David to run. To stay meant putting himself at risk. David had been anointed by Samuel to be the next king and now God was protecting David until his appointed time. He could’ve out of conceit or arrogance made the wrong decision. He could’ve out of desperation chosen to act. Thank God that the steps of a righteous man are ordered of Him. Nothing will ever take the place of sound counsel and the wisdom to follow it. Sometimes we need to choose when and where to fight the battle.


Make the right choices.

Man_Up and be the man God wants you to be.

There is no time like now!!!

September 16, 2011


Even though life can be trying we have to consider ourselves fortunate and blessed to be able to live in this dispensation of time. We are living in a time like this world has never seen or experienced. The technologies of today make it as never before. Time has become instantaneous. We are made aware of almost everything that happens in the world the instant it happens. The unfortunate thing is that we get to view the bad as well as the good. It appears the wrong being done often outweighs the good. Still we are fortunate to be living in this time.

The opportunities we are allowed today are greatly enhanced because of the technologies of today. Advances in travel allow us to access remote areas. Advances in communication allow us to establish sustained contact with formerly unreachable areas and people groups. The ability to translate written transcripts into different languages opens the door for meaningful dialogue. The advancement in education makes it possible to achieve things never thought possible. Some may choose to be discouraged but there is no reason to be of that mindset. We just need to allow God to open our minds to the possibilities that exist and pray for the understanding to take advantage of them.

God is looking for someone who will get up, stay up, fess up, step up, and show up by growing up to become what He wants them to be. Now is the time to be involved.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.

If we are going to fulfill or succeed in our efforts for Christ we are going to have to be sold out to the responsibility of Church growth and committed to the fulfillment of maturity. Probably before we make those decisions there are some things we have to accept. We must accept we are here for a purpose. We must accept that we have the potential in Christ to facilitate change. In other words God has placed us on this earth to make a positive difference in the lives of other people. We have in us through Christ the potential to change the course of history. Sins can be forgiven. The lowly can be lifted up. The sick can be healed.

The possibility of speaking into the lives of others is generally orchestrated through relationships. We must see ourselves and others in Christ as family. It is easier to sacrifice or submit when we understand that we all belong to Christ when we are His. Relationship means experiencing the ups and downs of life together. Relationships make it possible to affect the lives of others.

Being a part of a family affords some benefits. Heirs generally are family members. Once in a while someone outside will be remembered because of something they have done but for the most part heirs are family members. Safety, protection, peace, and happiness are also attributes of family.

Family requires some responsibility as well. We learn what we can share and what we must keep to ourselves. We learn who we can depend on and who we keep at arms’ length. We learn how to cooperate. We learn how to submit. We learn how to communicate and compete also.

All of us can recall someone who poured themselves into our lives. Because of that we should not have any reservations of doing the same for someone else. There are people searching for someone who will not do things for them but give some encouragement along the way. Don’t be afraid to be involved with others. They are just like you, created to serve.

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.

Content or not content?

March 25, 2011


How often do you look at the man looking back at you in the mirror and say “what a man” and mean it positively. It is a fact that many people do not like the person they see looking back at them. Guilt and disappointment play a big role in how we approach the rest of life. Somehow we must find a way to accept ourselves, come to grips with whom we are, allow God to change us, and be content with those changes. Our past is to be overcome and our future is to be pursued.

Paul said he learned to be content in whatever state he was in. That can only be done as we accept who we are and what God is doing in our lives. Paul also said he was able to accomplish all things through Christ. Part of that is accepting that Christ is the answer and part of that is accepting that past failure does not dictate future progress. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We all have failed. We all have not done as good as we might have expected at times. We have a tendency to hold the guy in the mirror responsible.

Balance in our lives appears to be illusive at times. We know challenge makes us better however we know also that we need encouragement. In particular we need the encouragement of success. In leadership we are taught to take time to encourage those who work with and for us. We are taught to take specific time to point out successes that promote encouragement. Maybe we should take a little time for ourselves. Not promoting arrogance but promoting hope, happiness, and success so that we might be able to look in the mirror and say “WHAT A MAN.”

Man_Up and be the man that God wants you to be.